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Recurrent Diarrhoeal Disease is a Major Cause of Childhood Malnutrition and Necessity of Contravention of the Vicious Cycle of Diarrhoea Related Malnutrition in Bangladesh

Received: 24 September 2023     Accepted: 13 October 2023     Published: 24 November 2023
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In children, diarrheal illness and its sequelae continue to be a leading cause of morbidity and death, particularly in impoverished nations like Bangladesh. Globally, diarrheal illnesses pose a severe threat to public health, particularly because they are the second-leading cause of mortality in children (behind respiratory illnesses). About 63% of the worldwide burden of childhood diarrhea affects children under the age of five. The etiology of many disorders must be accurately and quickly detected, but standard procedures are typically unsuccessful in doing so, in addition to being time- and labor-intensive. Up to 40% of cases of diarrhoea, on average, have an unknown etiological cause. This study highlights the promise of the metagenomics technology as a diagnostic method for enteric diseases and provides an overview of current trends in the epidemiology and management of diarrhea. Increased frequency, increased volume, and altered stoma consistency are all signs of diarrhea. Environments in the industrialized and underdeveloped worlds have different pathogens. The most significant aetiological factor associated with severe dehydrating diarrhea is rotavirus diarrhea. In order to target the right treatment, it is crucial to identify the specific microbiological cause of diarrhoea. However, the World Health Organization (WHO)'s recommendations for broader preventive measures highlight the key causes of the enormous disease burden in developing nations. Worldwide, acute diarrheal illness in children under the age of five continues to be a leading cause of morbidity and death. Children are more likely to experience severe infectious diarrhea in environments with low sanitation and hygiene, limited water supply, and a lack of resources. A complete history and physical examination, as well as assessments of the child's nutritional and hydration status as well as a thorough clinical evaluation for any complications or accompanying diseases, are all necessary for the care of a kid who presents with severe diarrhea. In Bangladesh, the use of zinc supplements, reduced-osmolarity oral rehydration solution (ORS), and rotavirus vaccination are recent advancements in the management of severe diarrheal illness.

Published in International Journal of Gastroenterology (Volume 7, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijg.20230702.15
Page(s) 64-76
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Science Publishing Group


Infectious Diarrhea, Dehydration, Developing Countries, Diarrheal Disease, Nutritional Status, Under-5 Children, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Gastroenteritis

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  • APA Style

    Istiaque Hossain, M., Delwar Hossain, M., Kumar Ghosh, S., Rahman, K., Monir Hossain, M., et al. (2023). Recurrent Diarrhoeal Disease is a Major Cause of Childhood Malnutrition and Necessity of Contravention of the Vicious Cycle of Diarrhoea Related Malnutrition in Bangladesh. International Journal of Gastroenterology, 7(2), 64-76.

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    ACS Style

    Istiaque Hossain, M.; Delwar Hossain, M.; Kumar Ghosh, S.; Rahman, K.; Monir Hossain, M., et al. Recurrent Diarrhoeal Disease is a Major Cause of Childhood Malnutrition and Necessity of Contravention of the Vicious Cycle of Diarrhoea Related Malnutrition in Bangladesh. Int. J. Gastroenterol. 2023, 7(2), 64-76. doi: 10.11648/j.ijg.20230702.15

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    AMA Style

    Istiaque Hossain M, Delwar Hossain M, Kumar Ghosh S, Rahman K, Monir Hossain M, et al. Recurrent Diarrhoeal Disease is a Major Cause of Childhood Malnutrition and Necessity of Contravention of the Vicious Cycle of Diarrhoea Related Malnutrition in Bangladesh. Int J Gastroenterol. 2023;7(2):64-76. doi: 10.11648/j.ijg.20230702.15

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      title = {Recurrent Diarrhoeal Disease is a Major Cause of Childhood Malnutrition and Necessity of Contravention of the Vicious Cycle of Diarrhoea Related Malnutrition in Bangladesh},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Recurrent Diarrhoeal Disease is a Major Cause of Childhood Malnutrition and Necessity of Contravention of the Vicious Cycle of Diarrhoea Related Malnutrition in Bangladesh
    AU  - Mohammed Istiaque Hossain
    AU  - Mohammad Delwar Hossain
    AU  - Susanta Kumar Ghosh
    AU  - Khadija Rahman
    AU  - Mohammad Monir Hossain
    AU  - Afsana Khanom
    AU  - Riffat Mohiuddin
    AU  - Tasnim Ahmed
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    AB  - In children, diarrheal illness and its sequelae continue to be a leading cause of morbidity and death, particularly in impoverished nations like Bangladesh. Globally, diarrheal illnesses pose a severe threat to public health, particularly because they are the second-leading cause of mortality in children (behind respiratory illnesses). About 63% of the worldwide burden of childhood diarrhea affects children under the age of five. The etiology of many disorders must be accurately and quickly detected, but standard procedures are typically unsuccessful in doing so, in addition to being time- and labor-intensive. Up to 40% of cases of diarrhoea, on average, have an unknown etiological cause. This study highlights the promise of the metagenomics technology as a diagnostic method for enteric diseases and provides an overview of current trends in the epidemiology and management of diarrhea. Increased frequency, increased volume, and altered stoma consistency are all signs of diarrhea. Environments in the industrialized and underdeveloped worlds have different pathogens. The most significant aetiological factor associated with severe dehydrating diarrhea is rotavirus diarrhea. In order to target the right treatment, it is crucial to identify the specific microbiological cause of diarrhoea. However, the World Health Organization (WHO)'s recommendations for broader preventive measures highlight the key causes of the enormous disease burden in developing nations. Worldwide, acute diarrheal illness in children under the age of five continues to be a leading cause of morbidity and death. Children are more likely to experience severe infectious diarrhea in environments with low sanitation and hygiene, limited water supply, and a lack of resources. A complete history and physical examination, as well as assessments of the child's nutritional and hydration status as well as a thorough clinical evaluation for any complications or accompanying diseases, are all necessary for the care of a kid who presents with severe diarrhea. In Bangladesh, the use of zinc supplements, reduced-osmolarity oral rehydration solution (ORS), and rotavirus vaccination are recent advancements in the management of severe diarrheal illness.
    VL  - 7
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Paediatrics, Evercare Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Department of Paediatrics, United Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Department of Pediatrics, Nibedita Shishu Consultation Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Department of Pediatrics, Dr. MR Khan Shishu Hospital & ICH, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Department of Paediatric, Ibnsina Diagnostic & Consultation Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Department of Paediatric, Sajida Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Department of Paediatric, Addin Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Department of Paediatric, Addin Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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